Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

The year is passing, what is done is done. All the things begun, finished and unfinished, come to an end as the year must retire and the new year started with new hope, dreams and aspirations. All things accomplished both with positive and negative results can be looked at as metals or wounds. Some of the metals will continue to shine without needed affirmation to polish and make it shine, while others will require much maintenance so that others might visibly see and assess its value. Some wounds will heal and leave little to no marks, allowing one to learn how to pursue what was pursued without being in harms way; while others will scare and leave a signature that will footprint one’s life as well as of the lives from the seed to come.

Depending on how one will look behind on the past, will be the foundation of his/her emotional state that will be used to road map the journey of years to come. To look behind what is done or has occurred too optimistically might spawn false pretensions of oneself causing him/her to believe in things that were wrongly interpreted in the event. Too look behind what is done or has occurred too pessimistically might engage one’s self esteem in a downward spiral into unneeded depressions...

Depending on how one will look upon the future, will induce his/her muse as to what steps will be taken on the journey. Viewing too optimistically might build unreachable expectations with a high probability of failure (failure being the interpretation of one self). Looking upon the future too pessimistically might cause one to set goals far below what one can accomplish, which could cause more low self esteem towards his/her true abilities and capabilities.

Therefore, it’s important to be able to find the right balance to optimistic and pessimistic review of past events in order to find the right road map to ones future steps as well as the kinetic energy to propel motivation, commitment and success.

In reflection of this past year, along with the view of your future, I wish all of you peace, love and harmony. I hope all of you will balance your perspectives of this past year; hope that you all will find the muse in balancing your goals for the up coming year. For all, I wish you all success in togetherness, empowerment, equality, fairness, compassion, passion, romance, and most of all, balance, faith and happiness in yourself and those closest to you.

Happy New Year