Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

The year is passing, what is done is done. All the things begun, finished and unfinished, come to an end as the year must retire and the new year started with new hope, dreams and aspirations. All things accomplished both with positive and negative results can be looked at as metals or wounds. Some of the metals will continue to shine without needed affirmation to polish and make it shine, while others will require much maintenance so that others might visibly see and assess its value. Some wounds will heal and leave little to no marks, allowing one to learn how to pursue what was pursued without being in harms way; while others will scare and leave a signature that will footprint one’s life as well as of the lives from the seed to come.

Depending on how one will look behind on the past, will be the foundation of his/her emotional state that will be used to road map the journey of years to come. To look behind what is done or has occurred too optimistically might spawn false pretensions of oneself causing him/her to believe in things that were wrongly interpreted in the event. Too look behind what is done or has occurred too pessimistically might engage one’s self esteem in a downward spiral into unneeded depressions...

Depending on how one will look upon the future, will induce his/her muse as to what steps will be taken on the journey. Viewing too optimistically might build unreachable expectations with a high probability of failure (failure being the interpretation of one self). Looking upon the future too pessimistically might cause one to set goals far below what one can accomplish, which could cause more low self esteem towards his/her true abilities and capabilities.

Therefore, it’s important to be able to find the right balance to optimistic and pessimistic review of past events in order to find the right road map to ones future steps as well as the kinetic energy to propel motivation, commitment and success.

In reflection of this past year, along with the view of your future, I wish all of you peace, love and harmony. I hope all of you will balance your perspectives of this past year; hope that you all will find the muse in balancing your goals for the up coming year. For all, I wish you all success in togetherness, empowerment, equality, fairness, compassion, passion, romance, and most of all, balance, faith and happiness in yourself and those closest to you.

Happy New Year

Wednesday, July 13, 2011

2011 Resolution Part 1

On January 1, 2011, I decided to make a resolution to keep moving forward no matter what. So, one would say, “big deal... What is so special with that?” Well, being who I am, believer in the power of words and even more so, the power of word repetition, and having strong convictions of commitment towards what I do or say, this resolution was just not one of those pumped up sayings with no wind behind it. As in the famous words of Horton, “I said what I meant and I meant what I said. And an elephant’s word is one 100%... Well, in a nutshell that is one of the many foundations from which I am built.

Making this kind of resolution I knew could have impacts on my lifestyle and my environment. This could impact those most closest to me as well as my greatest enemies; those in the spirit, those in the soul and those physically. I could loose friendships, relationship and companionship bonds with others. I could even end up alone due to this decision.

You see, I don’t see things only in 1 dimension. I tend to look at things in many ways. Some call it looking at it 360 degrees, or eagle eye view. Either way, when I say something, I say it with conviction whether I am right, wrong or indifferent to what I say. And, if it is something that yields negative results, then I will change it. If it is something that can be modified and/or changed, then I change it. But, I only will do these things, alter the commitment, when I see fit. Otherwise, I stay on that focused “straight and narrow” until the bitter end...

Sounds strong I know. Yet, until I find another way to do that, this is the way I have done things and will continue to do things; things meaning making decisions, staying focused, etc.

Anyway, bla dee bla... The meaning of the resolution for me meant that I had to keep walking, keep growing, make decisions and stick by them, follow my desires, my dreams. Although what I just said still seems a little vague, the important thing I am trying to share now is that phrase that tends to impact us all at times... “Life is too short...”. This phrase has struck me very hard the last 2 years as I have seen people I care for and love very much becoming terminally ill, dying or coming close to it.

Funny that when one is young, they tend not to think about these things too much.... But, that is another blog to write one day.

See all this sickness, death and trauma around me started making me think about me. Why do I wait, why do I excuse myself or others; why am I afraid to move forward; what would truly happen if I did. For most of my life, I have been only concerned about others, sounds familiar I bet. I have been concerned about what bad things were happening to me; I have been distraught cause it seemed like things just were not going to get better; worried about what my friends and family would think about me as a failure; worried about what my colleagues would think of me. Basically, as you can guess, I was so focused on me that I started eating those stupid damn “can-o-worms” lol.

Ok, so life is hard. For most people it is. Even for those who hide behind problems and just smile like nothing is going on. That is their way of handling the hardness and truth in the so called “unhappiniess”. For, thanks to Barnay, to show unhappiness is taboo. Never show your vulnerabilities, fears, pains as showing them will show you are weak and not part of an elite race we all seemed to be locked into (another blog idea lol).

Yet, at the same time, I thought, “Mark, it is or doesn’t have to always be so serious. It is not important always to “Make a point””. Sometimes, as they did in the wars in history, laughter and joy can be a part of it. It helps relieve oneself in a different way. Can help one to be optimistic about the basic abstracts of life; may help keep things into perspective even when the inevitable lays before us.

Therefore, with my new years resolution, I decided to keep moving forward with the idea of letting things go, laughing, letting it fall off my back; and sometimes, just giving in and submitting (the “if you can’t beat ‘em, join em thing). Well, it wasn’t easy at first as I am a person who doesn’t and will avoid if he has to, PAIN. At any cost.

As I said, in the beginning it was a bumpy ride. But, now, it doesn’t seem so bad most of the time. Don’t get me wrong, I still worry sometimes about the impact my steps will have on others, but not to the point where I let it stop me from “doing what I gotsta do...”. Up until now, it has given me good results and learning experiences. Yet, I still get the feeling that something major will happen down this journey that will have an effect I would rather not have to deal with. Yet, I ain’t stoppin’ da train...

Why do I make a big thing out of this resolution? That is how I’m built; Do what you know and know what you do... No time to loose; life is too short; etc. In the end, all that matters to me is balance; true balance; what ever that may be. For now, true balance is in the trinity of thinking of oneself (try to figure that one out :-P). For now, my search is for peace, love and harmony working in accord; sharpening one another; precisioning each other; synergizing the other...

I don’t feel this thought has had the flow that my other blogs have had, but you gotsta start somewhere. So, if you can follow what I just said, give me a shout and tell me what you think. Then maybe I will get into more detail...


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Poetry - Sound of the Falling Tree Copywrite © By Mark J. Williams 05/02/02

Some say that when a tree falls in the distant forest, the sound travels beyond the boundaries of our universe.

On the journey back to its origin, it synergizes with other sounds; sounds of joy and pain; sound of loss and gain.

The sound of the falling tree becomes transformed into its own universe of energy.

Upon its impact, it carries promises, dreams, experiences, both good and bad. Its explosion spreads to other life forms (the birds, the trees, the tiger, the bees) giving them the opportunity to experience and appreciate its journey.

Like the sound of the falling tree, such is life. Life, how short, cruel, joyful it might be, travels through time capturing these elements of joy and pain; of ones loss; of ones gain.

We have the chance to accept its mystic synergy; to embrace its power. Any attempt to control it will only cause a friction and it will swallow us whole and absorb us into its core.

Like the sound of the falling tree, so are the words and experiences we have shared, are sharing and will share. They too travel and will never die; only to return. Our spirits will always remember the journey, whether short or long.

Poetry - Choice Copywrite © By Mark J. Williams 07/06/03

It doesnt matter how much good you do
In this world we live in today

Youre best is never good enough
Whether its something you do or say

Its not to say that what we do
Is without fault or is wrongly perceived

Yet, after long with failed results
Its hard to succeed

Our faith becomes weak
And looses steam
As we fight for hope in sight

Disbelief becomes more
The light is dime
It gets harder to keep up the fight

Our focus becomes more on the negative things
No matter how big or small

We build it up within our mind
Until our backs are against the wall

We start to wonder
Why we are here
And what purpose we have to give

From comparison
To judgemental conclusions
We ponder our right to live

Then others see and try to help
In fear of whats ahead

Although well received
The good intensions are better left unsaid

So, when we are at the end of our rope
And there is no hope insight

To undo whats been done
Make joy from pain
To take wrong and make it right

Do we let go of the rope
and fall on the stone
Tis better to be broken and not crushed

Or do we curse the stone
Use its name in vain
And beg to be turned into dust

We all have a choice
This life we live
As in the sound of the falling tree

Shackles and chains
Burden and pain
Or live, let go and be free